August 23, 2022

CRADLE OF FILTH frontman Dani Filth has paid tribute to the band's former guitarist Stuart Anstis, who died on August 21 at the age of 48.

Anstis was a member of CRADLE OF FILTH from 1995 to 1999, writing and recording on the band's albums "Dusk And Her Embrace" (1996) and "Cruelty And The Beast" (1998),as well as the EPs "V Empire" (1996) and "From The Cradle To Enslave" (1999).

Earlier today (Tuesday, August 23),Dani took to his social media to write: "It is with a deeply saddened heart that I have heard of the passing of my former guitarist Stuart Anstis at 48.

Stuart -despite our eventual differences- was an amazingly talented guitarist who brought a real sense of magick to everything he wrote in CRADLE OF FILTH.

"For a long time he and I were bestest of friends living in a small village here in Suffolk and despite that relationship eventually changing, it did nothing to diminish the fan's appreciation of his creative flair and talent right up to the present day.

"'Vempire', 'Dusk… and Her Embrace' (though written mostly by former members, Stuart played all the guitars on this album),'Cruelty And The Beast' and 'From the Cradle To Enslave' would have been completely different creatures if it were not for the depth of his astute and deliciously dark musicianship.

"It truly is with a heavy sense of loss that we (and extreme music in general) bid farewell to Stuart.

"May sombre flights of ravens wing you to your grave mate.

"Rest In Phallustein."

Stuart's death was confirmed by his wife Antoinette, who shared the following message on the musician's Facebook page: "Stuart Anstis 2/5/1974 - 21/8/2022. Rest in Peace, you were too beautiful for this world me Lover. Nothing will ever be the same again, Love Always and ever your Antoinette. Until we meet again…"

Fellow former CRADLE OF FILTH guitarist Richard Shaw also paid tribute to Anstis, writing: "Rest in peace, Stuart. It was an honour performing your music. Thoughts are with his friends and family at this difficult time."

Another former CRADLE OF FILTH guitarist, James McIlroy, who was with the band from 2003 until 2005, took to his social media to write: "Saddened to hear of the passing of Stuart Anstis. Although I never met him, I always deeply admired what he wrote during my time in CRADLE. Loved playing the riffs he committed to tape. Most of the songs I really looked forward to playing in the many setlists over the years had his DNA in them, and even before that, the albums and EPs I loved the most featured him."

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